What is the healthiest soda?

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asked Apr 4, 2022 in Other-Food Drink by milesfromnowhere (2,160 points)
What is the healthiest soda?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 6, 2022 by Stormymormy (1,700 points)
The healthiest soda is Sierra Mist Soda.

Other healthiest sodas are.

Seagram's Ginger Ale.
Schweppe's Ginger Ale. It has 20% more calories than Seagram's.
Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray, which is a celery-flavored soda. Weird.
Canada Dry Ginger Ale.
Coca-Cola. Pepsi came in 12th, because it has 10 extra calories per can.

However all types of soda are not healthy when consumed in excess and orange juice and fruit juices are healthier than soda.

Orange Juice is bad for you because orange juice contains a lot of sugar.

If you drink too much orange juice then you increase your sugar intake which can lead to increased blood sugar levels and possible weight gain.

You should be especially careful to avoid over-consuming orange juice, as sugary drinks can spike your blood sugar.

Over time, blood sugar spikes can lead to dangerous conditions like heart disease and kidney disease, even for people without diabetes.

Although orange juice is healthy for you in moderation and having a glass of orange juice every morning or a few glasses of orange juice everyday can benefit your health.

Orange Juice is not all that bad for you when consumed in moderation.

Regular consumption of orange juice has been associated with several health benefits, including improved heart health, decreased inflammation, and a reduced risk of kidney stones.

However, it's also high in calories and sugar, so it's best to consume it in moderation and select fresh-squeezed or 100% orange juice whenever possible.

Orange juice boasts high doses of antioxidants, vitamin C and phytonutrients.

The downside is that it has little fiber and a lot of sugar.

When consumed in excess, it may lead to weight gain and may increase your risk of diabetes.

Additionally, the citric acid in orange juice can affect your teeth.

Orange Juice though is healthier than drinking soda.

Fruit juice and soda contain similar amounts of sugar.

Still, soda is likely harmful to your health, regardless of the amount you consume, whereas fruit juice may only increase your risk of disease when drunk in large amounts.

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