How old is Kool aidman?

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asked Apr 4, 2022 in Other-Food Drink by milesfromnowhere (2,160 points)
How old is Kool aidman?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 5, 2022 by Chambliss (51,900 points)
As of 2022 the Kool Aid Man is now 68 years old.

The Kool Aid Man first appeared in 1954.

The Kool-Aid Man is the official mascot for Kool-Aid, a brand of flavored drink mix.

The character has appeared on television and print advertising as a fun-loving, gigantic, and joyful anthropomorphic pitcher filled with "The Original Flavor" Cherry Kool-Aid.

He is typically featured answering the call of children by smashing through walls or furnishings and then holding a pitcher filled with Kool-Aid while saying his catchphrase, "Oh yeah!" He had a comic series produced by Marvel where he fought evil villains called "Thirsties" and even fought a man engulfed in fire named Scorch.

The precursor to Kool-Aid Man, "the Pitcher Man", was created on July 10, 1954. Marvin Potts, an art director for a New York advertising agency, was hired by General Foods to create an image that would accompany the slogan "A 5-cent package makes two quarts."

Inspired by watching his young son draw smiley faces on a frosted window, Potts created the Pitcher Man, a glass pitcher with a wide smile emblazoned on its side and filled with Kool-Aid.

It was one of several designs he created, but the only one that stuck, and General Foods began to use the Pitcher Man in all of its advertisements.

The character's face was sometimes animated in synchronization with the jingle.

In 1953, Perkins sold the Kool-Aid brand to the now-defunct General Foods, which merged with Kraft (now Kraft-Heinz) in 1990.

The company is also parent to A. 1., Capri Sun, Jell-O, Maxwell House, Oscar Mayer, Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Planters, Polly-O, Velveeta and more.

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