What do you do when your phone screen wont turn on?

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asked Jan 31, 2018 in Cell Phones and Plans by Thepuffa (330 points)
What do you do when your phone screen wont turn on?

All of a sudden my android phone that is only a year old doesn't want to turn on and the screen doesn't even come on.

Is there a way to fix my phone when the screen doesn't want to turn on?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 31, 2018 by Shawn (104,230 points)
If your phone screen or phone won't come on then it's likely the back light on your phone screen or the phone screen itself has went out and needs replacement.

You can take your phone to a phone store and they can usually replace the whole screen for around $100.00 depending on the type of phone and what repairs it needs.

Iphone screen repairs can cost up to $150.00

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