Can dogs eat peanut butter?

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asked Feb 20, 2022 in Dogs by hardact2follow (1,650 points)
Can dogs eat peanut butter?

2 Answers

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answered Feb 24, 2022 by Gingervitis (23,640 points)
Dogs can eat any kind of peanut butter including chunky peanut butter.

Peanut butter including crunchy peanut butter or chunky peanut butter is safe for dogs to eat.

Dogs can eat chunky peanut butter or any other peanut butter as long as the peanut butter does not contain any xylitol.

If the peanut butter is free of xylitol then the dog can safely eat the peanut butter.

The peanut butter that contains xylitol is poison to dogs but most peanut butter does not contain any xylitol but just be sure the peanut butter you buy doesn't contain any xylitol before feeding it to your dog.

Also feed the dog peanut butter in small amounts at a time because the peanut butter can stick to their mouth and cause them to have a hard time chewing it and swallowing it.

Too much peanut butter when given to dogs would also cause diarrhea and stomach issues.

But in moderation peanut butter including the crunchy or chunky peanut butter is safe for dogs to eat.
0 votes
answered Aug 15, 2022 by layla (62,110 points)
Peanut butter is safe for dogs in moderation.

Peanut butter is a healthy treat in moderation for dogs although giving them too much could cause diarrhea and stomach upset.

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