What are the best alternatives to Google Adsense?

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asked Jan 24, 2018 in Google by blimy012 (280 points)
What are the best alternatives to Google Adsense?

I have a blog that isn't getting approved for Adsense and I'm wondering what good Alternatives there are to Google Adsense that have good cost per click on the ads?

How do other bloggers earn money without using Google Adsense?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 24, 2018 by Larry S (42,350 points)
The only best Alternative to Google Adsense that pays just as good would be media.net I've never found any other ad networks to pay as good as Google Adsense.

Media.net is legit just make sure you have the majority of your websites traffic coming from the USA and not from India.

Most people that complain about getting kicked out of media.net and having their money not paid to them are from India and have majority of traffic coming from India.

Media.net wants majority of traffic to come from USA so if your traffic is mostly coming from USA you will get your earnings and keep your media.net account.

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