To be able to make yourself fart you'll need to have some gas buildup in your stomach.
So if you really want to fart eat high fiber foods such as beans.
Then follow the instructions below to help yourself fart or if you already have some gas built up in your stomach then skip to the steps below.
Lie down somewhere flat and pull your legs towards your head.
Relax your rectum and let the air seep in slowly.
Keep at it until you feel a butt bomb bubble up.
Let 'er rip.
Smelling farts is considered good for your health.
Studies have shown that smelling your own farts or even others farts may be beneficial to your health.
A small study found that the smell of farts, or hydrogen sulfide, can have some incredible health benefits, like helping the person who farted live longer, while the smell can quell dementia.
Smelling farts can also help with heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.
Personally I hate the smell of farts and would not go out of my way to purposely smell my farts or others farts even if there are some health benefits.
But if you want to smell farts and can stand to do so then go ahead as it may help you live longer.