What if flies went extinct?

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asked Dec 7, 2021 in Other-Environment by 1982tiperman (5,590 points)
What if flies went extinct?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 7, 2021 by Jodie (35,100 points)
If flies went extinct it would be a good thing for us humans but it wouldn't be a completely good thing for the environment for flies to go extinct.

Making flies extinct would be a good thing for us humans but it's impossible and not a good thing either way.

As unappealing and annoying as the flies are, flies and their larvae are part of nature's cleanup crew.

Other flies lay their eggs in manure so their maggots can feed, breaking down the manure.

These decomposers complete the food chain, releasing nutrients for plants, bacteria and fungi to use.

Flies are an essential food source for other insects, fish, birds, and mammals.

Not all species of flies compost equally.

The most effective composters are the blowflies, flesh flies, bush flies and soldier flies.

Think of it this way: if we lived in a world without flies, our streets and parks would be full of dead animals, rotting leaves and logs and nasty surprises left by dogs.

Fishers use flies as a lure while some fly larvae prey on other insects or act as parasites.

Even crime investigators determine the time of the death of homicide victims by observing the presence of blow fly larvae near the injury.

Making flies go extinct completely would not be doable.

Although we can kill the flies that are flying around and bothering us there's no way to kill off all the flies in the world because there are billions of flies on earth.

Also flies multiply really faster and faster than you can kill all of them off.

The best thing that you can do is just kill off all the flies that are around you or kill off most of the flies that are around you.

However no matter how many flies you kill there will be more flies the next summer to bother you.

Flies are annoying but they are actually beneficial to the earth.

The purpose of flies is to pollinate plants, consume decomposing bodies, eat the sludge in your drainpipes, damage crops, spread disease, kill spiders, hunt dragonflies.

There are around 17 million flies per each person so it would be impossible to kill off the entire population of flies as there's more flies around than there are humans.

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