Anyone else still use CRT monitors?

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asked Nov 22, 2021 in Monitors by Christeenlia (35,180 points)
Anyone else still use CRT monitors?

I do of course use LED monitors for web browsing but I have a couple of CRT monitors that I use to view pictures on and I think the pictures look better on the CRT monitors than they do on my LED monitors.

Anyone else still use CRT monitors for viewing pictures?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 22, 2021 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
I love old CRT monitors.

I have 4 CRT monitors that work great.

I like to hook a CRT monitor to my Laptop and I also have an older desktop computer from 2008 that I have a CRT monitor hooked too to view pictures on.

I agree that the old school CRT monitors have some great picture quality to them.

I see no reason to get rid of them until they no longer work.

I have an old 20 year old CRT monitor that stays on 24 hours per day and 7 days per week and has been on with pictures being viewed on it for 3 years now and it's never went bad yet.

I do of course use LED monitors for viewing the web but for looking at pictures I love the old CRT monitors.

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