What is the meaning of electoral politics?

+1 vote
asked Nov 30, 2020 in Government by CarlZhang (1,390 points)
What is the meaning of electoral politics?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 3, 2020 by Adf289 (58,560 points)
An electoral vote in politics means the choice is expressed collectively by the electoral college, which determines the winner of elections for president and vice president in the White House.

So when you vote for a president then the president must get more electoral votes from the group of people who's job is to cast their votes for the president based on how many votes for each president they have.

Although we vote for a president the votes that actually and truly count to decide on who becomes president comes from the electoral votes.

The electoral votes align with the popular vote in an election.

The electoral votes by definition are the vote that are cast in the electoral college of the U.S. by the representatives of each state in a presidential election.

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