Why does my computer monitor keep blacking out?

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asked Nov 29, 2020 in Monitors by beklestsea (850 points)
Why does my computer monitor keep blacking out?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 29, 2020 by Ajoblanco (650 points)
When your computer monitor keeps going black it's likely not getting a signal from the computer and could be caused by a loose cable connection such as a loose HDMI cable or loose VGA cable either the cable that is plugged into the back of the monitor or the cable end plugged into the back of the computer.

Check those connections and make sure they are snug and unplug the cables and plug them back in and sometimes that will fix the issue.

If not it's either the computer monitor or the HDMI or VGA cable or could be the video card in the computer.

If the cable run is too long, or of the signal has been split (using a non-powered DVI or HDMI splitter), this can cause the monitor to go black because the signal isn't strong enough.

Assuming that the cables are plugged in securely, power on the monitor and check to see if the monitor keeps going black.

Most LED computer monitors don't really burn out when they go bad.

However as the LED computer monitor gets used and wears out the LED monitor can begin getting dimmer and dimmer which is a sign that the monitor is about to go out.

Or you could get green lines along the top either vertical or horizontally which is another indicator that the LED monitor is going bad.

However sometimes you may get a green line when the VGA cable is not in the connector tight enough.

A good high quality computer monitor that has the best picture can cost from $150.00 to $300.00 and up.

Most good cheaper computer monitors produce a good picture and I have a cheap onn computer monitor that I bought at Walmart for less than $100.00 and for me it has a great picture to it.

I also have an old CRT monitor that has a good and even better picture quality to it when I want to view pictures.

But the pictures still look good on my onn led computer monitor.

If you're into gaming then it would be good to get a good gaming computer monitor and spend the extra money or if you do professional photo editing then having a good quality LED monitor that costs more than a few hundred dollars can be worth it.

The average lifespan of an LED or LCD computer monitor is between 3 to 10 years but some may last longer.

CRT monitors can last even longer and I've still got an old CRT computer monitor I use to view pictures on that is 20 years old and that CRT computer monitor is still working just fine.

LED computer monitors have a lifespan that is between 3 years to 10 years depending on how often they are used.

If you get 5 to 10 years out of a computer monitor then you're doing good.

10 years is a long time and I'd likely be ready to replace the computer monitor by then anyway.

A computer monitor lasts between 3 years to 10 years depending on how much use the computer monitor gets.

The more the computer monitor is on the shorter the lifespan it will have.

I usually get 5 years to 10 years out of most of my computer monitors and actually I still have a LCD computer monitor from 2005 that I use on a second computer and it works great still.

So that HP LCD computer monitor is almost 16 years old and still going strong.

Last year I bought an onn brand computer monitor from Walmart in the store on sale for $85.00 and it's been working great for me so far.

If I get a few more years of use out of it I will be happy but I expect it to last at least 5 to 8 years before it does go bad.

If it does it's cheap to get another one.

I'm using the onn computer monitor right now and it's a very good computer monitor for the price.

You can also buy higher cost computer monitors that may last longer and give a better picture especially for gaming.

However I just work from home, browse the internet and the cheap computer monitors are good for me.

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