Does a porch light left on all night provide safety to your home?

+1 vote
asked Nov 17, 2017 in Law Enforcement/Police by bilprid (320 points)
Does a porch light left on all night provide safety to your home?

Does leaving a porch light on all night help with safety and prevent burglars from entering your home at night?

Do you leave a porch light on all night?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 18, 2017 by Minty (140,940 points)
It might not do much to deter burglars but it helps prevent the burglars from seeing inside your house so easy.

I also leave a table lamp on near a window at night.

I like to have my front porch lit up and my back yard lit up where I can see what is going on out there at night.

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