Can freezing temperatures damage an LED TV?

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asked Oct 29, 2020 in TV's by playlist4443 (910 points)
Can freezing temperatures damage an LED TV?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 29, 2020 by Salmorejo (42,560 points)
The freezing temperatures should not damage an LED TV.

I have an LED TV out in my travel trailer that gets really cold when there's no heat in it.

I mostly use the travel trailer for summer and spring trips and so mostly the travel trailer sits with no heat and the inside of the travel trailer can get really cold.

But the TV has never been damaged as a result of the cold weather.

The LED TV might take a bit to warm up when it's really cold but if the TV is moved into a warm location first and then turned on it should be just fine.

LED TV's are shipped in ships and cargo containers that get really cold and they are not affected.

There's really nothing in the LED TV that could be damaged as a result of the cold and freezing temperatures.

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