How much does it usually cost to replace a window?

+1 vote
asked Oct 26, 2020 in Maintenance/Repairs by DarkieStarsy (550 points)
How much does it usually cost to replace a window?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 27, 2020 by Shawn (104,230 points)
The cost to have a window replaced professionally by a window installer is between $175.00 to $700.00 per each window.

The cost to have the window replaced depends on the size of window, type of window and how complicated the install is.

If you have a square window then it will be cheaper to install those windows but if you have a window that has a curve at the top or a round window then it may cost a bit more for the replacement of those windows.

Also the larger the window the more it will cost to replace your window.

Smaller windows are cheaper to replace as they also cost less.

If you have the skill to replace the window yourself then you can do so for the cost of the window.

You need to make sure the window fits and is level and plumb when installing it.

Also larger windows will require someone to help you lift up the window and install it as they are heavier.

I replaced a couple of my own bedroom windows for $150.00 each and those were the Vinyl Replacement windows from Lowe's.

However they did lower my gas bill and keeps my bedroom warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer as my old windows were really drafty.

So the new insulated windows paid for themselves within a few months of installing them.

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