What is considered elder neglect?

+1 vote
asked Oct 23, 2020 in Law/Ethics by lancelaws (660 points)
What is considered elder neglect?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 23, 2020 by Jamie (65,230 points)
Elder Neglect is when you fail to provide the elderly person with proper care, nutrition, housing, heating etc.

If you don't care for the elderly person as to make sure they stay healthy, have a roof over their head, live in a clean environment etc or you fail to make sure they bathe, change clothes etc then that can be elder neglect.

Also if the elderly person has to wear diapers and you fail to change the elderly persons diapers then that is neglect of the elderly as well.

The same for a child if you fail to change a child's diaper when needed then that is neglect of a child or when you fail to care for the child's basic needs in other ways then that is child neglect.

Neglect is when you fail to care for and provide the basic needs for a child or adult.

Neglect in health and social care means that a person is being mistreated when they need care and rely on others for the care.

For example if you're caring for an adult that needs care and you fail to provide them with food, water, clothing, fail to keep them bathed, change in clothes or don't provide them heating or a roof over their heads then that could be neglect.

The same with a child when it comes to child neglect.

As a parent you're responsible for the care of your child and if you fail to provide proper care for that child then you can be charged with neglect of a child.

Neglect of a child means that you fail to keep them clean, don't provide them with clean clothes, don't feed them, don't keep food in the house for them, not allow them to shower or don't force them to shower or bathe etc.

Also not taking your child to the doctors appointments or not taking the child to the hospital when they need to is also child neglect.

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