Is it legal to be wearing only an adult diaper in public?

+1 vote
asked Nov 2, 2017 in Law Enforcement/Police by Meekodl23 (250 points)
Is it legal to be wearing only an adult diaper in public?

If I were to walk around in public wearing nothing but a shirt and an adult disposable diaper would I get in trouble with the law for going around in public wearing nothing but an adult diaper?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 2, 2017 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
The laws could differ from State to State and city to city or towns and you'd be better off asking someone in your local area about the laws.

But I don't think it would be illegal to go in public in just a diaper and shirt since you'd be covered up and not showing your private parts but I would advise against it as even though it may be legal it's still indecent and nobody wants to see an adult wearing nothing but a diaper.

I don't even like seeing babies or toddlers in public wearing nothing but a diaper and I think they should even have their diapers covered up in public.

You can do what you want but I would advise against wearing just a diaper in public out of respect for the public.

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