The hippocampus is located deep in your temporal lobe.
The hippocampus sits just above your brain stem and is towards the bottom of your head near where your neck connects.
Your brain stem travels down your neck and your hippocampus is responsible for memory storage and for learning new things.
The human brains hippocampus is responsible for the formation of new memories and is also associated with learning and emotions.
Your hippocampus is a flexible part of the brain takes in and processes new information and helps to store memories that you can recall later on.
The hippocampus part of the human brain is a very complex brain structure that is embedded deep into the brains temporal lobe.
Without the hippocampus part of the brain your brain would not be able to store information and learn new things.
Your hippocampus in the brain is a small, curved formation in the brain that plays an important role in the limbic system.
If you suffer from lack of oxygen and your brain gets damaged then your hippocampus can lose memory that is stored in the brain.
Then you would have to relearn those memories such as learning to walk, talk, eat etc.