Does becoming a parent make you happy?

+1 vote
asked Oct 2, 2020 in Parenting by Kaptainkanda (12,640 points)
Does becoming a parent make you happy?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 2, 2020 by McCormik (1,980 points)
Becoming a parent can make you happy.

That is if you are actually ready to become a parent and have kids and really want kids.

Kids are lovely even though they can drive you crazy at times and sometimes you need to get away from them for awhile.

But they can bring you lots of joy and make you happy.

I became a parent 10 years ago for the first time and at first I thought I made a mistake because I had a crying baby that I thought I could not deal with and then as the baby boy got older he became much more enjoyable.

As he got to 7 and 8 months old and a year old he started smiling a lot which made me smile as well.

I used to be depressed more but when I had my cute little boy he made my depression disappear for at least the time he was a cute baby.

He's not as cute now but he still has some of his cuteness at 10 years old.

I love him dearly and now don't regret having him.

Kids can bring a lot of joy but they are a pain sometimes and also a lot of hard work.

It's okay to not want to have kids because being a parent is not for everyone.

Kids can both make you miserable and also make you happy.

My own son who's 10 now made and still makes me miserable at times but sometimes he also makes me happy.
0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2022 by RobertPolson (3,920 points)

No, I do not agree with this way of putting the question. The presence or absence of a child does not affect your personal happiness in any way. The first thing you need is to have a reliable partner for life and love. It's my opinion. I often see women registering for dating milfs. They have children but there is no one who would share her interests and joys. We all come to the dating site for this.

0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2022 by Goosebumose (1,690 points)
Being a parent can make you very happy and at the same time it can make you very depressed and unhappy at times.

Children are a Joy but they are hard to take care of and it's a hard Job.

You should only have children if you're really ready for them.

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