Truancy is usually defined as being absent from school with no good excuse for 4 to 5 days in a month or in some cases 7 days of unexcused absences in a single school year.
The laws vary from state to state but for most places you will get in trouble for truancy if you miss at least 5 days of school without having a good excuse.
Truancy can get the student arrested and sent to Juvenile Detention and even the parents can get arrested for Truancy.
If you get arrested for truancy the student as well as the parents can face up to 30 days in jail for the first offense.
The laws however vary from state to state but if you do miss school and get into trouble with the police for truancy you can expect at least 30 days in jail.
Usually if it's the first offense and the parent's can prove they do not know about it the student would be the one to go to Juvenile detention for the 30 days for truancy.
While in Juvenile Detention you will be forced to do your school work or you could serve more time in jail until you decide to do the school work on your own.
Truancy is not a good thing because not only can you go to jail the parents can go to jail because of educational neglect.
Children must go to school by law or the parents are neglecting them.
You need your education and diploma to get jobs and survive in this world.
School Sucks but going to jail would suck much worse.
Most schools they will call home and contact your parents if you do skip school.
For example if you show up at school and then take off and leave school before it's out and they cannot find you then yes they will call your parents to let them know.
So it's hard to get by with skipping school without your parents knowing.
The school has your parents phone number or phone numbers when you are enrolled in school so they can contact them.
If you're not at school the school will make a call to your parents and see where you are at.
If you do not show up at school they will also call your parents to find out what is going on.
If you're home sick and cannot go to school then your parents need to call the school and let them know.
Also if you do not show up at school and your parents cannot be contacted the school may also call the police and have them look for you or show up at your house to see if you're there.