Why does my child want to wear diapers?

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asked Sep 8, 2020 in Kids Health by empires228 (430 points)
Why does my child want to wear diapers?

I caught my 8 year old son wearing his 2 year old brothers Luvs size 6 diapers this morning.

I walked in on him in the bathroom this morning before school after he took a shower and he was wearing one of his brothers Luvs size 6 diapers.

I asked him what he was doing with the diaper and he said he likes wearing the diaper.

Why would my child at age 8 years old want to wear diapers?

I let him wear the Luvs size 6 diaper and I told him he could wear them and I would get him some more diapers which I am today.

Is this a phase he's going through?

2 Answers

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answered Sep 8, 2020 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
A lot of children and teens and even adults love to wear diapers.

I loved wearing diapers at 8 years old and even before then.

Diapers are a wonderful and comfortable thing to wear and diapers are much more comfortable to wear than underwear.

Your son has good parents if you let him wear the diapers and want to buy more diapers for him.

I wish I was your son and would be so excited to come home from school and have my own box of Luvs diapers to wear.

Since your 8 year old son wants to wear the diapers you should make him wear the diapers all the time and change him yourself.

Don't let your 8 year old change his own diapers and make him wear just the diaper and a shirt around the house.

Treat him like a toddler too.

I wear Luvs size 6 diapers sometimes too and I wear diapers full time and no longer use the toilet.

Your 8 year old son is likely a diaper lover and there's thousands of us out there and it's not a phase he'll grow out of which is what I thought would happen to me.

I didn't find out that I was not alone in loving diapers until around 2001 which I was 13 years old and searched on AOL internet why do I love to wear diapers.

Then i found a website called deekers diaper page and pictures of other diaper lovers.

I used to hate having a diaper fetish but now I love it since I know I'm not alone.
0 votes
answered Sep 8, 2020 by Shawn (99,990 points)
Some kids do love to wear diapers.

However it could be a phase your 8 year old is going through and he may be seeking attention.

A diaper is harmless and if your son is into diapers that is much better than him getting into trouble or doing drugs etc.

I would also keep him wearing diapers and change him and eventually your 8 year old son may get tired of having his diaper changed and having to wear diapers.

Even toddlers eventually hate diaper changes and hate having to wear the diaper.

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