Can black mold kill you?

+1 vote
asked Jul 29, 2020 in Other- Health by zShotJs (460 points)
Can black mold kill you?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 2, 2020 by Shawn (99,990 points)
Black mold can kill you if you already have breathing problems or you're very young or very old.

It's still not a good thing to breathe in black mold spores or live in a house where mold including black mold is hanging around and growing.

If you do have black mold in your house it needs to be taken care of because not only does the black mold look bad it can also cause health issues in some people.

Any type of mold should be gotten rid off using bleach or something else to kill the mold.

If the mold is in drywall you should cut out the moldy drywall and clean behind the wall and then replace the moldy drywall with fresh new drywall.

Bathrooms are more prone to getting mold including black mold due to the high moisture content in the bathroom.

Using a vent van to help draw out moisture can help keep the mold from happening.
0 votes
answered Jan 13, 2022 by Boda8oda (820 points)
Black Mold can be dangerous and can cause breathing issues as well.

If you have black mold the black mold should be removed from your home and black mold could also be hidden behind drywall as well.

In those cases you need to remove the moldy drywall to get rid of it.

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