Does Boeing still make the 747?

0 votes
asked Jul 21, 2020 in Aircraft by Dalepointer (400 points)
Does Boeing still make the 747?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 22, 2020 by Shawn (104,230 points)
Boeing does not still make the original Boeing 747 plane.

However Boeing doe or did still make a new version of the Boeing 747 which is the Advanced 747 airplane known as the 747 -8.

The last original Boeing 747 plane was made in 2005.

So regular Boeing 747 planes are rare now and they are no longer manufacturing them.

However you can order a new version of the Boeing 747.

That is if you have the money or can finance one.

To buy a new Boeing 747 costs as much as 442 million dollars which is very expensive.

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