What is the safest job in the world?

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asked Jul 18, 2020 in Employment & Careers by Wificalling (370 points)
What is the safest job in the world?

3 Answers

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answered Jul 19, 2020 by Shelde (51,110 points)
The safest job in the world would be any office job such as accounting, tax auditor, web programmer, web server admin, webmaster jobs, web developers, writing news articles, doing the new etc.

Those all would be considered to be the safest jobs.

Some dangerous jobs would be to be a professional fisherman, work in the oil field drilling oil wells, welding on bridges, buildings, building skyscrapers, doing road work etc.

Those all would be dangerous jobs.

Being police officer is also a very dangerous job because you can get shot and killed easily or even being a firefighter going into a building to rescue someone when it's about to blow up or on fire.

If you want the safest job you should do office type jobs.

Also working from home would be a safe job and you can sometimes earn more money working from home such as writing a good quality blog or running a Youtube channel etc.

Some people earn more money working from home and doing very little work than those working at other jobs doing a lot of hard work.
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answered Sep 13, 2020 by RobertPolson (3,920 points)

 I reconsidered my attitude towards safe work. I went to the office before, but modern conditions (Covid-19) do not allow me to be as safe in the office as before. This is why I found another vacancy on remotehub. Teleworking gives me the same money, but it's safer since I don't meet a lot of people.

0 votes
answered Apr 6, 2022 by Ramada (1,780 points)
edited Apr 10, 2022 by Ramada

In my opinion, the best and safest job is remote work. I have been working this way for several years and no matter what the circumstances are, I can always earn my living. I loved to write since childhood and soon found a job in the company personal statement writers I'm so glad that my favorite hobby has grown into an occupation that brings me a good income.

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