How many years should a new led television last?

0 votes
asked Oct 13, 2017 in TV's by Rich Y (330 points)
How many years should a new led television last?

I've had my led television for 2 years now and I'm wondering how much longer I should expect to get out of this led television before it no longer works?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 13, 2017 by Judy (56,120 points)
Led television manufactures list around 100,000 hours or roughly 11 years.

Of course that it probably for the more expensive led television because I've had a cheaper one go out in 2 years.

I doubt the new led television will ever last as long as the old cathode ray tube tv's of years ago.

I got rid of my cathode ray tube tv and it was 20 years old and still working great. I doubt the new led tv's will last 20 years.

You'd be lucky to get the 11 years out of the new led television.

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