How do I win a game of Fortnite?

+1 vote
asked May 4, 2020 in Google by costy (6,470 points)
How do I win a game of Fortnite?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered May 5, 2020 by fraddy (6,000 points)
Make farming one of the muscle memory things that you do on the way to the circle. When someone shoots at you turn to them and build a ramp and wall underneath until they stop shooting. Them ramp wall rush them until you have high ground and shoot down on them
0 votes
answered May 5, 2020 by poliq (6,100 points)

Hi, I had the same story. But I`ve already got Fortnite LFG service. The thing is that you'll get a better understanding of drops and looting routes, as well as when to take fights on rotations, and the rotation itself. PRO players are real monsters and you can get some useful tips. In general I liked the service and would definitely come back one more time. 

0 votes
answered May 9, 2022 by Don Lawrence (5,310 points)

I'm talking about game versions you can choose within the launcher.
I'm asking this as I'm working on a project that requires this question answered.
Thanks in advance.

0 votes
answered May 9, 2022 by Edward Wong (4,820 points)
edited May 17, 2022 by Edward Wong

I have given you good advice where you can play games online for free. Similarly, I was recently advised a site where I started to play and have fun in my free time. So I'm ready to play temple of boom game and have a good time with her. If you really want to try new games for yourself, just open the link and use this amazing platform.

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