How many miles does the average person drive?

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asked Mar 28, 2020 in Commuting by met20209 (410 points)
How many miles does the average person drive?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 28, 2020 by Shawn (104,110 points)
The average miles that people drive per year is around 12,000 miles which would mean they drive around 1,000 miles per month.

Some people drive as much as 100 miles per day to commute to and from work which would mean they put nearly 3000 miles on their vehicle per month or 36,000 miles on their vehicle per year especially if they drive on road trips other than just driving too and from work.

Some people only drive 500 miles per month which would be 6,000 miles per year which is pretty low.

Myself without road trips I drive at most 500 to 600 miles per month.

I work from home so do not need to commute to work.

However the grocery store and other shopping are 60 miles round trip and sometimes I just like to get out and drive.

But the average person puts between 6,000 miles per year to 15,000 miles per year on their vehicle.

Some people may only put 3,000 miles per year on their vehicle depending on how often they drive and how far they drive the vehicle.

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