Should I make my 7 year old son wear diapers for wetting his pants?

+2 votes
asked Mar 21, 2020 in Kids Health by xtekvet (330 points)
Should I make my 7 year old son wear diapers for wetting his pants?

My 7 year old son has been wetting his pants lately and it happens nearly everyday because he doesn't want to get up and go to the toilet.

He decides to just wet his pants instead of using the toilet.

I think I should make him wear diapers again until he stops wetting his pants during the day but not sure if I should?

Would Pampers size 7 diapers fit my 7 year old son for wetting his pants during the day?

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 21, 2020 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Yes if your 7 year old son is wetting his pants during the day then he should be wearing diapers until he stops wetting his pants.

I would've loved it if my parents would've made me wear diapers again at 7 years old when I wet my pants.

Wetting the diaper will be much more sanitary and comfortable for your 7 year old son than wetting his pants.

The diaper will absorb the urine so that your 7 year old doesn't feel wet and his pants will be dry as long as you change his diaper often enough.

Eventually your 7 year old son may decide it would be better to use the toilet than have to have his diaper changed but then again he may enjoy wearing diapers.

If the 7 year old decides he likes to wear diapers then continue to diaper him again full time both day and night.

Diapers really are better than using the toilet anyway because you can pee whenever you want too and not have to stop to go to the toilet.

The Pampers size 7 diapers should easily fit your 7 year old son and they are the best diapers.

Pampers cruisers would be a good option for the 7 year old boy but even pampers baby dry or other pampers diapers would work.
0 votes
answered Mar 21, 2020 by Shawn (99,990 points)
A 7 year old kid is usually too busy playing and not paying attention that they will hold their urine in for awhile until they have to go to the toilet or go in their pants.

I remember being 6 and 7 years old and younger and although I was out of diapers and potty trained I would still sometimes wet my pants.

It kept on and on until my dad decided that either I used the toilet or I wear diapers again.

So when I was 6 years old my dad put me back in those plastic backed pampers that were thick back then and I had to wear just the diaper around the house without any pants even when family came over.

I had to also go outside wearing nothing but the diaper which at the time I hated him for it.

But he did have my best interest in mind and he loved me and the diapers were more sanitary for me to wear and use then just peeing my pants.

So after wearing the old plastic backed pampers diapers all those years ago I started hating the feeling of wearing the diaper and would go to the toilet instead.

I also hated getting the diaper changed wherever we were.

When out shopping or at the park my dad would change my diaper in the back of his truck bed and then I decided that it was getting embarrassing.

So that stopped me from peeing my pants.

Yes I was peeing my pants basically on purpose because I didn't want to go to the toilet but I found that having my playtime interrupted every 3 hours or so to have my diaper changed was worse.

It was easier and faster to use the toilet then have to get laid down on the floor or in the back of my dad's truck, have my shoes and pants removed and then wiped and cleaned.

So I would recommend that you do tell your kid that you're gonna diaper them again if they don't use the toilet.

Get some diapers and show them to them and if they still wet their pants and have no incontinence issues then diaper them and they may get the hint.

Tell them that it takes more time to change their diaper than it does to just pee in the toilet.
0 votes
answered Mar 21, 2020 by jui8 (510 points)
If your 7 year old is wetting his pants make sure he has not health issues such as a bladder infection or kidney disease because it could be that he is actually incontinent and if he is actually incontinent then yes he should wear diapers.

If he's not incontinent I would just try to get him to go to the bathroom but if that does fail then tell him that either he wears diapers or he goes pee in the toilet.

Don't force him outside in nothing but a diaper though as that can be damaging to him as you don't want to humiliate him.

But if he does wet his pants it's either the toilet or diapers and he will likely choose the toilet instead especially after a few days having his diaper changed.

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