Do albatrosses sleep while flying?

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asked Mar 18, 2020 in Other-Environment by detracsion (300 points)
Do albatrosses sleep while flying?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 18, 2020 by Essmann (42,860 points)
Albatrosses can fly quite a long distance before they have to land and yes according to scientists and researchers the albatrosses has been known to sleep while flying.

The albatrosses does need to sleep and they have been known to fly a long distance without landing as in flying over 24 hours non stop so they must be sleeping during flight.

That is amazing though as it would seem that they might fly into things if they could not be awake and see where they were flying.

A lot of other birds also sleep while flying so it's not just the albatrosses bird that sleeps while they are in the air flying to their destination.

Albatrosses also can easily fly around 10,000 miles in a single flight without needing to stop and land for a break.

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