How long does a slug live?

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asked Mar 18, 2020 in Other-Environment by detracsion (300 points)
How long does a slug live?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 18, 2020 by Essmann (42,860 points)
A slugs lifespan is between 1 to 5 years.

So slugs have a pretty short lifespan when it comes to living things.

A slug lives much less years than a dog even does.

If you have a slug problem you can get rid of the slugs by using some table salt and pour the table salt onto the slug to kill it by dehydrating it.

A good easy and natural way to get rid of slugs on your patio is to pour some salt onto the patio and also pour salt onto the slugs bodies.

The salt will draw moisture out of the slugs body and kill them.

The best way to get rid of slugs is to take some regular table salt and then pour some of the salt on the slug or slugs.

The salt will draw out moisture from the slugs body and dehydrate the slugs which then causes the slugs to die of dehydration.

You can also sprinkle salt around the areas the slugs crawl around on and as the slug slithers or crawls over those surfaces the slug will get salt on them which also dehydrates them.

Salt is one of the best natural ways to kill slugs and get rid of them.

The salt is an environmentally friendly way to kill slugs and get rid of slugs.

Some things you can do to keep slugs away from your patio is to use things that repel slugs such as diatomaceous earth, copper sheeting, coffee grounds, pine needles, coarse sand, or crushed eggshells.

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