Are there any negatives to the use of a dash in a domain name?

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asked Sep 26, 2017 in Seo (Search Engine Optimization) by hancoko (320 points)
Are there negatives to the use of a dash in a domain name?

I want to register a domain name but the domain name I wanted to register without the dash - between it is taken.

Is there any negative seo factors if I use a domain name that has a dash or hyphen in it?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 27, 2017 by Williegumdrop (420 points)
For seo "search engine optimization" there are no negatives in using a hyphen or dash in your domain.

But the only negative that comes from having a dash or hyphen in your domain name is it makes it hard for real people to remember and your potential website visitors that type it in directly could mistype it and never get to your website.

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