My website is not earning any money with adsense?

+1 vote
asked Sep 26, 2017 in Internet by hancoko (320 points)
My website is not earning any money with adsense?

I've been working with my website for 6 months now and although it's getting some website traffic it's not making any money with google adsense?

What am I doing wrong with my website I thought I should be making money by now. I have a lot of content but no money yet?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 27, 2017 by Williegumdrop (420 points)
At 6 months old your website is still young so you're likely not to make much money from it yet.

Think of it this way. An offline business usually doesn't see a profit at all for at least 5 years.

That means that most offline businesses you see around you had to be in business and run the business without a profit for the 5 years before the business owner ever saw any profit in their pockets from the business.

Most people give up on their websites within a year or 2 and that's why they usually fail. They go into the business of websites hoping to make money overnight but that's not realistic.

You should expect to work for no profit or any money for at least 5 years before your website starts seeing a good amount of income and profit.

The time will pass anyway so keep the website online and keep adding content and promoting your website and you should see profit overtime at least after the 5 years is up.

Once again remember that if you were running an offline business then you most likely wouldn't see any profit in your pocket until 5 years.

So be prepared to stick with your website for 5 years at least to see profit.

If you need money overnight then go out and work for an offline business where you can earn money sooner but keep at your website when you can.

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