What is DGM SmartMail expedited?

+1 vote
asked Feb 17, 2020 in UPS by Solarponix (320 points)
What is DGM SmartMail expedited?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Feb 17, 2020 by Yahwhet9 (440 points)
From my experience with getting packages shipped through DGM SmartMail expedited shipping the DGM SmartMail expedited shipping is where the seller or shipper ships the item using DHL.

Then DHL handles the package for awhile until they eventually hand the package off to USPS who then delivers the package to your door or mailbox.

The DGM SmartMail expedited is not really expedited and takes longer in my experience than UPS, FEDEX or even USPS.

It's just a cheaper method for the seller or shipper of the package to send the package to you.

A lot of sellers on ebay use DGM SmartMail expedited to ship cheaper and smaller packages to buyers but it can be frustrating for some people waiting on those packages.

However most times it's packages I order that ship through DGM SmartMail expedited shipping that I'm in no hurry to get.

So I really don't care too much if they do use the DGM SmartMail expedited shipping as long as I get the package.
commented Oct 5, 2020 by Julian (120 points)
Hi how are you  my name is Julian I’d like to inquire you about the DGM Smartmail expedited. Do you know when  I sold my item where can I to drop off ? DHL or USPU? Thanks !
0 votes
answered Jan 7 by CoupleCado (3,020 points)
DGM uses USPS SmartMail technology to delivery packages at a cheap rate for small and medium sized business.

USPS DGM from what I remember stands for Domestic Ground Mail or at least that is what a postal employee told me.

SmartMail is a technology-driven service that works with the United States Postal Service (USPS) to collect, process, sort, track, and expedite the delivery of lightweight parcels and flat-sized mail. SmartMail offers a range of services, including:

Address and ZIP code verification: Prevents undeliverable or delayed mail.
Variable weight manifesting: Helps avoid overpayment of postage.
Proof of processing: Provides proof of processing for each mail piece.

With DGM smartmail the shipper will often have a shipping partner such as DHL to pick up the package and transport it along with other packages for a distance and then hand it off to the USPS for further shipping.

DHL SmartMail Parcel and Parcel Plus is a full service residential shipping solution which offers labeling, pickup, sorting and injection into the USPS postal stream.

DHL SmartMail Parcel Plus also offers the same features as does DHL SmartMail Parcel and includes flexible pickup times and tracking numbers.

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