The average person drives around 1,000 miles per month and sometimes more depending on how far the persons commute is to work.
Some people commute to work 80 to 100 miles one way to work and some commute 80 to 100 miles both ways.
So if you have that long of a commute then you can easily rack up a lot of miles on a vehicle.
Then there are some people who do deliveries and drive as much as 400 to 500 miles each day and can easily rack up 1 million miles in 10 years of driving.
But for most people they average 500 miles to 1,000 miles per month.
In a year the average person drives around 12,000 miles per year and some drive as much as 24,000 miles per year.
Me I mostly drive around 12,000 miles per year so in 10 years I would drive 120,000 miles so it would take me nearly 60 years to drive 1 million miles at the miles I drive.
But if I were driving further and more often then I could rack up 1 million miles in less time.
I doubt my truck would ever reach 1 million miles in my lifetime.