Does a man have to pay alimony if he remarries?

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asked Nov 28, 2019 in Divorce & Marriage by cool08y33 (300 points)
Does a man have to pay alimony if he remarries?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 29, 2019 by Shawn (104,230 points)
Even if the former husband of the former wife remarries the former husband or man still has to pay alimony to the former wife unless she gets remarried.

Once your former wife gets remarried then you can go to court and legally stop alimony payments.

But if your former wife doesn't get remarried then you can still be required to pay her alimony payments even though you remarried to another woman.

Also the good news is that not all divorces require the former husband to pay alimony to the former wife.

Alimony is also known as spousal support and is only usually required to be paid out if the former wife doesn't make enough income to support themselves or the child after the divorce.

If the spouse makes enough income to support themselves and the child then no you do not usually have to pay alimony or spousal support payments.

But if the spouse is not working or doesn't earn enough income then you may have to pay alimony so think about that hard when you decide whether or not you're gonna get married and whether or not it might end in divorce.

If the child you have is under 18 then the father will also be required to pay child support and if you don't you can go to jail for non payment of child support.
0 votes
answered Dec 4, 2022 by Riley Expert (400 points)
Yes of course.
If there were children in the family, then the man must support them until they reach adulthood.
And what do real men and fathers of their children do differently: they don't pay alimony and disappear completely from their children's lives?
Are they really men?

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