Does Apple TV have Netflix?

0 votes
asked Nov 21, 2019 in TV's by lanamgonzalez (260 points)
Does Apple TV have Netflix?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 21, 2019 by Zcot6755 (710 points)
Apple TV does have the Netflix channel available but Apple TV only has Netflix on the Apple TV 2 version and later versions.

All new Apple TV streaming devices have Netflix available but you must pay the extra fee to Netflix to watch the Netflix channel and shows and movies but it's very cheap and worth it.

You can also access Youtube and Yotube TV through the Apple TV streaming device and I find that the Apple TV streaming device is much better than the Roku Streaming device I also have.

I still use the Roku in my bedroom when I want to just watch some Youtube when going to bed or when I'm sick and want something to watch.

But the Apple TV streaming device is in the living room and gets more use.

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