How long does usps smartpost take to deliver a package?

+1 vote
asked Sep 13, 2017 in Government by Amy (300 points)
How long does USPS SmartPost take to deliver a package to it's destination?

I've been waiting on an item I ordered through ebay and it was sent USPS SmartPost and it's been 8 days now and I still haven't gotten it.

The USPS tracking hasn't updated since the package left the city it was in.

How long does it normally take to get package that is shipped via USPS SmartPost?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 13, 2017 by spuddle (390 points)
I had a package from USPS SmartPost take 2 weeks to get to me. So don't give up hope yet.

USPS SmartPost is really slow and I hate when a shipper uses USPS SmartPost.

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