What is the best brand of desktop computer to buy?

+1 vote
asked Sep 12, 2017 in Desktops by Hazel (300 points)
I'm in the market for a new desktop computer but not sure what brand to buy?

Who makes the best desktop computer?

I don't need it for gaming as I just blog, and watch youtube, check emails etc.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 12, 2017 by lori (280 points)
I use an hp desktop that has so far lasted me 7 years. I'm about to upgrade it though soon because it's starting to slow down and is getting outdated.

If it weren't for the desktop being outdated then I would expect it could last for another 10 years or more.

A desktop computers life is more dependent on what software you use and when it gets outdated and the new versions of software won't run on your computer.

Most people replace there desktop computer with a new one long before it actually dies on them.

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