What dedicated host should I use for Magento?

+1 vote
asked Sep 10, 2017 in Web Hosting by Kimichi (280 points)
What dedicated host should I use for Magento?
I need a good dedicated server web host for my magento website.
Who has the best most reliable Dedicated Server with high uptime and good support?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 10, 2017 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
Check out rackspace. They have good support and high uptime with their hosting.

The dedicated servers aren't cheap but they're highly reliable which is what you want when running an online store.
0 votes
answered Mar 27, 2024 by Feuer (1,500 points)

There are many benefits to working on Magento. Not only is it a flexible and adaptive platform, it also integrates easily with other systems, including magento sap business one. This ERP system solves many business management tasks at once, including the ability to synchronize all invoices, payments and store company financial data in one place, which greatly simplifies the work of the accountant.

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