How long does it take for parole board to make a decision?

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asked Oct 2, 2019 in Law Enforcement/Police by Hienuy (200 points)
How long does it take for parole board to make a decision?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 2, 2019 by Shelde (49,390 points)
If you're a prisoner and are eligible for parole and are able to see the parole board they will take you into a room and discuss your life and prison time with you.

They will ask you questions and see if you are a threat to society and whether you should be released or not and the parole board will also look at your discipline reports to see how you acted while in prison and if you caused too much trouble in prison then your parole will likely be denied and you'll stay in prison.

If the parole board decides you should be released then it can take 3 to 6 months to hear back from the parole board so you should make sure to be good during those times.

One mess up and then you won't be released.

The parole board should let you know within those 6 months in writing and they should see you again to tell you there decision.

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