When kids use the internet make sure to speak with them about the dangers of talking to strangers on the internet.
Advise them to never give out personal details such as home address, full name, the school they go too etc.
The kid should never meet up with a stranger they met on the internet either even though the person may be legit you just never know who is actually hiding behind the screen and keyboard on the internet.
Limit the amount of time the child spends on the internet and set a timer for when they have to get off as well.
I only let my kids have a computer in their room when they reached 13 years old and any younger than they had to use the computer in the living room or be on the laptop in front of us so we could keep an eye on what they were doing.
We also disabled web cams on their computers until they reached age 13 so that they could not try and do web cam chats with strangers.
For parental control software I would recommend
https://www.covenanteyes.com or netnanny and both of those are good parental control software that we used.