Where did Miranda rights come from?

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asked Aug 30, 2019 in Law Enforcement/Police by ronchp (300 points)
Where did Miranda rights come from?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 31, 2019 by Shelde (51,110 points)
The Miranda Rights that the police have to say to you when being arrested started in March  of 1963.

Miranda Rights are named after the person Ernesto Miranda who was arrested in March of 1963 in Phoenix and confessed while in police custody to kidnapping and rape charges.

The Miranda Rights came into affect after the Supreme Court ruled in a landmark case about the Fifth Amendment after the guy Ernesto Miranda was arrested and confessed without being told his rights to remain silent.

The Miranda Rights establish that all criminal suspects must be advised that they have a right to remain silent or anything they say can and will be used against them in the court of law.

They also have a right to an attorney and if they cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for them.

If a person is not read their rights when being arrested and they say something then by law that cannot actually be used against them in court.

Even though some courts still use it against them.

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