Making money on the internet at home is certainly doable and you can make a lot of money by doing things such as blogging, running a Youtube Channel, sell websites on Flippa or try some paid online surveys.
I would say that blogging or a Youtube Channel would be the best way to go because the blogging although it requires a lot of work upfront it means that after a few years or so you'll earn money online from the blog over and over for years to come from older blog posts.
You do however still need to update your blog with new blog posts to keep the search traffic from coming in.
And the good news is that even if you're from Nigeria you can write topics that get searches in the USA as well and get USA search traffic and then make money through affiliate ads on your website or even Adsense or other ads.
That means that you can get advertisers from the USA on your website and earn good money.
I earn around $6,000.00 per month and sometimes $10,000.00 per month blogging although it took me nearly 7 years to really earn that amount of money.
But now I'm earning good money and only need to publish a new blog post once or twice per month or even less and I can stop publishing blog posts and go on vacation and still earn that money.