How can I wear diapers without my parents knowing?

+1 vote
asked Jul 25, 2019 in AB/DL by Volv898 (330 points)
How can I wear diapers without my parents knowing about the diapers?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 25, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
If you want to wear diapers around your parents without your parents knowing you should put the diapers on and then get yourself a snap T Shirt which is also known as a Onesie that helps to hide the diaper.

The shirt snaps between your legs and keeps the diaper from showing when you bend over and the diaper will also stay up without sagging as much with a onesie.

You can also wear some regular boxers or underwear over the diaper so that the boxers or underwear waistband will only show if you bend over and your shirt rides up.

You can sneak diapers into your house through use of a backpack and then just put the diapers you buy into the backpack after buying them in the store and then bring the backpack into the house as normal.

Or keep a bedroom window unlocked in your bedroom and then when you get home you can open the bedroom window outside and then put the backpack or diapers into the bedroom without your parents knowing about it.

Then go back into the house as normal without the diapers and your parents should not see them.
0 votes
answered Dec 28, 2020 by Niko (18,430 points)
Diapers are easily worn under your pants such as blue jeans without being noticeable.

You could buy diapers such as from Dollar General and then bring them into your house in a Laptop bag or back pack.

Then just wear them under your pants or in your room without anyone finding out.
0 votes
answered Dec 28, 2020 by diaperboy12 (1,200 points)

I wear disposable diapers in public and around friends and nobody has noticed them.

Even when a toddler is wearing diapers under their blue jeans you cannot easily detect them unless they are really full and sagging.

For example here's a picture of a toddler boy wearing diapers and you can see the diaper sticking above his pants when his shirt rides up.

But when his shirt is down the diaper is not noticeable.

Also for the second and third picture the older kid who is about 10 or 12 years old is wearing a diaper under his pants and you can see it in the first picture but not in the second picture.

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