Can you use Amazon Firestick on multiple TV's?

0 votes
asked Jul 13, 2019 in TV's by Apekdechomai (310 points)
Can you use Amazon Firestick on multiple TV's?

3 Answers

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answered Jul 13, 2019 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
A single Amazon Firestick can be moved from one TV to another TV.

But if you want to leave the firestick in one TV and then have another second Amazon Firestick  on the second TV then you need an additional Amazon Firestick for the other TV.

But you certainly can just remove your current Amazon Firestick and then place it into the other TV in another room and watch shows and movies on your other TV with the same Amazon account and Firestick.

You can then stream the same movie or show to two TV's with two different Amazon Firesticks at the same time and can only stream 3 TV's at one time from one Amazon account.

So one Amazon Firestick will only work with one TV at the same time but you certainly can move the firestick to a different TV when you want too.
0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2020 by Alex9988 (500 points)

You can use one Amazon account to sign in on multiple Fire TV Stick devices, instead of needing to create multiple Amazon accounts. It is very convenient. I'm personally happy with my device. I've recently started using a USTVGo service and can watch all my favorite TV channels again. And it has to be noted, it is hassle-free, there is no need to install any app, just access the website on Firestick and start watching TV.  

0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2020 by Minty (139,260 points)
The Amazon Firestick can be used on Multiple TV's.

However I find it simpler to just have a separate Amazon Firestick for the other TV's instead of unplugging the Amazon Firestick and moving them around.

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