If someone is sentenced to life in prison, does that mean literally spending the rest of your life in the prison?

+1 vote
asked Jul 22, 2017 in Law Enforcement/Police by John lees (280 points)
If someone is sentenced to life in prison, does that mean literally spending the rest of your life in the prison?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 23, 2017 by Mechanic21 (29,150 points)
In some states yes it means spending the rest of your life in the prison. You'll stay in the prison until you're brought out in a body bag.

The only way you'd leave the prison is when you die.

Of course if the judge gives you life without the possibility of parole then it doesn't matter what State your in you're gonna stay in prison for the rest of your life.

If you get life with the possibility of parole such as 20 to life then you must serve at least 20 of those years in prison before you can come up for parole.

Of course it doesn't mean you're gonna get paroled as most paroles are denied.

But at least with parole you have a chance of maybe being free again.

You must be good inside prison and try to not getting in any fights or give any trouble. Otherwise you can forget about parole.

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