Should parents make their older kids wear diapers when on a road trip?

+3 votes
asked May 16, 2019 in AB/DL by diaperme1213 (260 points)
Should parents make their older kids wear diapers when on a road trip?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 16, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Yes I think all kids should wear diapers when on a road trip because it will save having to hold in the pee when you can't get to a restroom.

I wish my parents would have made me wear diapers while on road trips but they never did although I once wore a diaper on a road trip as a kid and my parents didn't know about it.

I didn't have to hold my pee in which made for a more comfortable trip and I just hid a few extra diapers inside my clothes that were packed away so that I could get to them easily and change the diaper when needed.

The diapers I wore as a kid were those old Luvs plastic backed diapers with Barney on them and they were great for road trips.

Now I'm an adult and wear Northshore Supreme diapers and Abuniverse Super Dry Kids diapers or any of the other diapers from Abuniverse on my road trips.

I never have to hold in my pee again and can just pee whenever I get the urge.

I also now wear diapers all the time and no longer use the toilet for either peeing and pooping.

Diapers are the most comfortable underwear and the best toilet as you can wear the toilet and not have to stop doing anything or playing to use the restroom.
0 votes
answered May 16, 2019 by sofesseno (380 points)
If the kid is prone to wetting their pants especially when they fall asleep then it would be a good idea for the kid to wear a diaper when on the road trip as a just in case thing to prevent them from getting wet pants.

But the kid if they're potty trained should not be forced to wear a diaper unless they actually need the diaper but having the kid wear a diaper when on the road trip if they want too or will wear the diaper is okay.
commented Dec 30, 2021 by Ts2021 (1,500 points)
Only if it is medically necessary.

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