What do you do if your car gets stuck on a railroad track?

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asked Mar 4, 2019 in Trains by turedub (330 points)
What do you do if your car gets stuck on a railroad track?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 4, 2019 by TobyPerry (350 points)
If your car gets stuck on the railroad tracks you need to immediately get out of the car and either call 911 or look on the pole where there should be a number to call with the location of the track.

The number will connect to someone with the railroad and they will alert the train driver to hopefully stop the train before it runs into your car and destroys it.

So get out of the car, call the train company or 911 and stay away from the car and tracks until the train has been stopped and you know a train is not gonna hit your car.

It can take as long as a mile for a train to come to a stop so you need to get the train company or 911 company contacted right away in order to save your car.

The 911 operator will also call the train company and let them know what's going on but you need to know your location where the car is stuck on the train track.

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