I don't like my extended family should I keep them in my life?

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asked Mar 3, 2019 in Other- Family & Relationships by annasmith (350 points)
I don't like my extended family should I keep them in my life?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 3, 2019 by 2098vgargesia (550 points)
If your extended family are people you hate and can't stand to be around or they're making your life worse then yes it's okay to remove those people in your extended family from your life.

You don't pick your extended family and just because they're family doesn't mean you have to like or love those people in your extended family.

I have some extended family as well that I cut out of my life because they were ruining my life and I hate them and can't stand to be around them.

I don't regret it and I'm much happier not seeing those people in my extended family anymore.
0 votes
answered Aug 22, 2020 by Jeraldo (4,900 points)

If your marriage is not as good as you would like, first try to work it out with your partner. If he doesn't want to change anything, and you don't want to get divorced due to a number of reasons, then I recommend you visit the site. There are a lot of people in a similar position and maybe you can find common topics of conversation!

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