Is working at Google really a dream as it is made out to be?

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asked Feb 23, 2019 in Google by mildredpruitt (380 points)
Is working at Google really a dream as it is made out to be?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 23, 2019 by Webbie (2,400 points)
Working at Google is made out to be a dream through online photos and videos but in reality working at Google is not as fun as it's made out to be.

Working for Google is just like working at any other office job where you're required to do the work to get paid or get fired.

You can't just get up at anytime and work when you want too and must get the work done like you're supposed to.

Most Google employees don't mind the job working at Google and it's really that bad but it's not a dream job either.

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