Will the internet still exist in 100 years

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asked Jul 3, 2017 in Internet by Liloo (920 points)
Will the internet still exist 100 years from now?

What do you think the internet will be like 100 years from now or even 50 years from now?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 3, 2017 by 409xs (670 points)
It's very hard to say because most of us will not be around anymore in 100 years but I'm sure that the internet will still be around but will change drastically over that time.

Even looking 20 years down the road from now the internet will probably be vastly different than it is today.
A lot can change in 20 years and a heck of a lot can change even more in 50- 100 years.

20 years ago was 1997 and the internet was slow and vastly different. People were using slow computers, slow internet and youtube, wasn't around. We didn't have tablets, I phones, etc.

It'll be interesting to see where the internet and the world is at in 20 years.

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