What is the lifespan of a desktop computer?

0 votes
asked Jul 2, 2017 in Hardware by Blatcher431 (170 points)
What is the lifespan of a desktop computer?
What is the lifespan of a desktop computer and how can I improve the lifespan of my desktop computer?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 2, 2017 by xxde (910 points)
I have a windows xp desktop that I bought 9 almost 10 years ago and although it's slowing down it still works.
I'm actually typing this post on it.

Most people get rid of their desktop computers before they actually quit on them due to upgrades. I do have a newer computer but see no need to get rid of this old windows xp computer until it quits.

I also still have an old windows 98 desktop that still works flawlessly but I don't use it anymore due to it being so slow and only has a connection for dialup.

I still keep it around though as I like old computers. And I like to power it up once in awhile just for fun.

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